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31. Jones, K.R., L.K. Belden, and M.C. Hughey. 2024. Priority effects alter microbiome composition and increase abundance of probiotic taxa in treefrog tadpoles. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 90: e00619-24

30. Hughey M.C., R. Warne, A. Dulmage, R.E. Reeve, G.H. Curtis, K. Whitfield, D.M. Schock, and E.J. Crespi. 2023. Diet-and salinity-induced modifications of the gut microbiota are associated with differential physiological responses to ranavirus infection in Rana sylvatica. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378: 20220121

29. Jones, K.R., M.C. Hughey, and L.K. Belden. 2023. Colonization order of bacterial isolates on treefrog embryos impacts microbiome structure in tadpoles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290: 20230308

28. Hughey, M.C., E.A. Rebollar, R.N. Harris, R. Ibáñez, S.C. Loftus, L.L. House, K.P.C. Minbiole, M.C. Bletz, D. Medina, W.R. Shoemaker, M.C. Swartwout, L.K. Belden. 2022. An experimental test of disease resistance function in the skin-associated bacterial communities of three tropical amphibian species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 98: 1-11

27. Jones, K.R., J.B. Walke, M.H. Becker, L.K. Belden, and M.C. Hughey. 2021. Time in the laboratory, but not exposure to a chytrid fungus, results in rapid change in spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) skin bacterial communities. Journal of Ichthyology and Herpetology 109:75-83

26. Medina, D., J. Franklin, M.C. Hughey, J.B. Walke, M.H. Becker, S. Sun, B. Badgeley, and L.K. Belden. 2019. Amphibian skin fungal communities vary across host species and regions, but do not correlate with infection by a pathogenic fungus. Environmental Microbiology 21: 2905-2020

25. Estrada, A., M.C. Hughey, D. Medina, E.A. Rebollar, J.B. Walke, R.N. Harris, and L.K. Belden. 2019. Skin bacterial communities of neotropical treefrogs vary with local environmental conditions at the time of sampling. PeerJ 7: e7044

24. Hughey, M.C., E.R. Sokol, J.B. Walke, M.H. Becker, and L.K. Belden. 2019. Ecological correlates of large-scale turnover in the dominant members of Pseudacris crucifer skin bacterial communities. Microbial Ecology 78: 832-842

23. Rebollar, E.A., T. Bridges, M.C. Hughey, D. Medina, L.K. Belden, and R.N. Harris. 2019. Integrating the role of antifungal bacteria into the skin symbiotic communities of three neotropical frog species. The ISME Journal 13: 1763-1775

22. Kueneman, J., M. Bletz, V. McKenzie, C.G. Becker, M. Joseph, J. Abarca, H. Archer, A. Arellano, A. Bataille, M. Becker, L. Belden, A. Crottini, R. Geffers, C. Haddad, R. Harris, W. Holden, M. Hughey, M. Jarek, P. Kearns, J. Kerby, J. Kielgast, A. Kurabayashi, A. Longo, A. Loudon, D. Medina, J. Núnez, R.G. Perl, A. Pinto-Tomás, F. Rabemananjara, E. Rebollar, A. Rodriguez, L. Rollins-Smith, R. Stevenson, C. Tebbe, G. Vargas Asensio, B. Waldman, J. Walke, S. Whitfield, K. Zamudio, I. Zúñiga Chaves, D. Woodhams, and M. Vences. 2019. Community richness of amphibian skin bacteria correlates with bioclimate at the global scale. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:381.

21. Hite, J., M.C. Hughey, K.M. Warkentin, and J.R. Vonesh. 2018. Cross-ecosystem effects of terrestrial predators link tree frogs, zooplankton, and aquatic primary production. Ecosphere 9:e02377

20. Rebollar, E.A., A. Gutiérrez-Preciado, C. Noecker, A. Eng, M.C. Hughey, D. Medina, J.B. Walke, E. Borenstein, R.V. Jensen, L.K. Belden, and R.N. Harris. 2018. The functional repertoire of the skin microbiome of the frog Craugastor fitzingeri: Inferring potential bacterial-host-pathogen interactions from metagenomic data. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:466

19. Hughey, M.C., J. Pena, R. Reyes, D. Medina, L.K. Belden, and P.A. Burrowes. 2017. Skin bacterial microbiome of a general Puerto Rican frog varies along elevation and land use gradients. PeerJ 5:e3688

18. Walke J.B., M.H. Becker, M.C. Hughey, M.C. Swartwout, R.V. Jensen, and L.K. Belden. 2017. Dominance-function relationships in the amphibian skin microbiome. Environmental Microbiology 19:3387-3397

17. Hughey, M.C., J. Delia, and L.K. Belden. 2017. Diversity and stability of egg bacterial assemblages: The role of paternal care in the glassfrog Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum. Biotropica 49:792-802

16. Medina, D., M.C. Hughey, M. H. Becker, J.B. Walke, T.P. Umile, E. Burzynski, A. Iannetta, K.P.C. Minbiole, and L.K. Belden. 2017. Variation in metabolite profiles of amphibian skin bacterial communities across elevations in the Neotropics. Microbial Ecology 74:227-238

15. Hughey, M.C., J.B. Walke, M.H. Becker, T.P. Umile, E.A. Burzynski, K.P.C. Minbiole, A.A. Iannetta, C.N. Santiago, W.A. Hopkins, and L.K. Belden. 2016. Short-term exposure to coal combustion waste has little impact on the skin microbiome of spring peepers, Pseudacris crucifer. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82:3493-3502

14. Rebollar, E.A., M.C. Hughey, D. Medina, R.N. Harris, R. Ibanez, and L.K. Belden. 2016. The effects of habitat, host species, and presence of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on the skin bacterial community structure of Panamanian frogs. The ISME Journal 10:1682-1695

13. Gratwicke, B., H. Ross, A. Batista, G.C. Cordero, A.J. Crawford, L. Elizondo, A. Estrada, M. Evans, R. Gagliardo, J. Guerrel, A. Hertz, M.C. Hughey, C. Jaramillo, B. Klocke, M. Mandica, D. Medina, C. Richards-Zawacki, M.J. Ryan, A. Sosa, J. Voyles, B. Walker, D.C. Woodhams, and R. Ibanez. 2016. Evaluating the probability of avoiding disease-related extinctions of Panamanian amphibians through captive-breeding programs. Animal Conservation 19:324-336

12. Rebollar, E.A., R.E. Antwis, L.K. Belden, M.H. Becker, M.C. Bletz, R. Brucker, X. Harriso, M.C. Hughey, J. Kueneman, A.H. Loudon, V. McKenzie, D. Medina, K.P.C. Minbiole, L. Rollins-Smith, J.B. Walke, D.C. Woodhams, and R.N. Harris. 2016. Using “omics” and integrated multi-omics approaches to guide probiotic selection to mitigate chytridiomycosis and other emerging infectious diseases. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:68

11. Hedman, H.D. and M.C. Hughey. 2015. Body size, humeral spine size, and aggressive interactions in the Emerald Glass Frog, Espadarana prosoblepon (Anura: Centrolenidae) in Costa Rica. MesoAmerican Herpetology 2: 500-508

10. Belden, L.K., M.C. Hughey, E.A. Rebollar, T.P. Umile, S.C. Loftus, E.A. Burzynski, K.P.C. Minbiole, L.L. House, R.V. Jensen, M.H. Becker, J.B. Walke, D. Medina, R. Ibáñez, and R.N. Harris. 2015. Panamanian frog species host unique skin bacterial communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:1171

9. Hughey, M.C., J.R. Rogge, K. Thomas, M.W. McCoy, and K.M. Warkentin. 2015. Escape-hatching responses of individual treefrog embryos vary with threat level in wasp attacks: a mechanistic analysis. Behaviour 152: 1543-1568

8. Woodhams, D.C., R.A. Alford, R.E. Antwis, H. Archer, M.H. Becker, L.K. Belden, S.C. Bell, M. Bletz, J.H. Daskin, L.R. Davis, S.V. Flechas, A. Lauer, A. Gonzalez, R. N. Harris, W.M. Holden, M.C. Hughey, R. Ibáñez, R. Knight, J. Kueneman, F. Rabemananjara, L.K. Reinert, L.A. Rollins-Smith, F. Roman-Rodriguez, S.D. Shaw, J.B. Walke, and V. McKenzie 2015. Antifungal isolates database of amphibian skin-associated bacteria and function against emerging fungal pathogens. Ecology 96: 595–595

7. Walke J.B., M.H. Becker, M.C. Hughey, M.C. Swartwout, R.V. Jensen, and L.K. Belden. 2015. Most of the dominant members of amphibian skin bacterial communities can be readily cultured. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 6589–6600

6. Ellison, A.R., T. Tunstall, G.V. DiRenzo, M.C. Hughey, E.A. Rebollar, L.K. Belden, R.N. Harris, R. Ibáñez, K.R. Lips, and K.R. Zamudio. 2015. More than skin deep: Functional genomic basis for resistance to amphibian chytridiomycosis. Genome Biology and Evolution 7: 286-298

5. Hughey, M.C., M.H. Becker, J.B. Walke, M.S. Swartwout, and L.K. Belden. 2014. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Virginia amphibians: within and among pond variation in infection. Herpetological Review 45(3): 428-438

4. Rebollar E.A., M.C. Hughey, R.N. Harris, R.J. Domangue, D. Medina, R. Ibañez, and L.K. Belden. 2014. The lethal fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is present in lowland tropical forests of far eastern Panamá. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95484

3. Hughey, M.C., A. Nicolás, J.R. Vonesh, and K.M. Warkentin. 2012. Wasp predation drives the assembly of fungal and fly communities on frog egg masses. Oecologia 168(4): 1057-1068

2. Hughey, M.C., M.W. McCoy, J.R. Vonesh, and K.M. Warkentin. 2012. Spatial contagion drives colonization and recruitment of frogflies on clutches of red-eyed treefrogs. Biology Letters 8(5): 887-889

1. Hughey, M.C., B. Ory, H. Jelks, D. Heins, and F. Jordan. 2012. Variation in reproductive life history traits between two populations of Blackbanded Darters (Percina nigrofasciata). Copeia 2012(4): 714-721

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