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All organisms, including humans, harbor a diverse assemblage of microbes. My research seeks to understand patterns of diversity in these host-associated microbiomes and the relationship to host health. I ask questions such as: (1) How does variation in microbiome composition and structure influence host susceptibility to disease? And, conversely, how does disease impact the diversity and function the microbiome? (2) Does exposure to environmental contaminants alter microbiome diversity and function? and (3) How can we apply probiotic therapies to prevent and treat disease? My general approach to answering these questions combines my strong background in ecology with new skill sets in microbiology, molecular biology, and bioinformatics.



2021-present. Mary Clark Rockefeller Assistant Professor Chair in Environmental Studies. Vassar College

2018-2021. Assistant Professor. Vassar College

2017-2018. Adjunct Instructor. Marist College

2017-2018. Adjunct Assistant Professor. Vassar College

2016-2017. Visiting Scholar. Vassar College

2015-2016. Adjunct Assistant Professor. Vassar College

2012-2015. Post doctoral researcher. Virginia Tech

2005-2011. Ph.D. Boston University

2003-2005. Laboratory manager. Loyola University New Orleans

1999-2003. B.Sc. Loyola University New Orleans

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